Classrooms, lecture theatres, assembly halls, gymnasia and canteens are all subject to high density occupancy with rapid changeover of groups. This provides the ideal circumstances for cross infection possibly leading to serious infectious outbreak.

Absence of staff and students through illness causes serious disruption and arises from

  • Transmission of airborne pathogens from person to person
  • Transmission by touch on the surfaces of desks, keyboards and door handles etc.

Educational centres are extremely vulnerable because

  • Frequent migration of classes from room to room
  • 'Shake up' and intermingling of the whole school or college population at assemblies, break times and lunch times
  • High density occupation of classrooms, lecture theatres and laboratories

An academic institution will generally encompass a wide variety of activities, for example, assembly halls, food preparation and storage, changing rooms, communal toilets etc. All of these bring their own specific challenges in terms of protection against infection.

The standard cleaning regimes applied to academic institutions, whilst important in their own right are not sufficient to protect against serious infectious outbreak. Any effective sanitising regime must tackle the three key areas of transmission i.e.

  • Tactile transmission on hard surfaces
  • Regular deep sterilisation of all rooms to reach all areas however inaccessible
  • Continuous air sanitisation to reduce the level of pathogens and dust

The result is

  • Reduced time loss due to staff sickness
  • Reduction of air pollutants including odours, dust and allergens
  • Reduction in surface and airborne infection levels
  • A healthier school population and staff with higher attention levels and efficiency

Associated Applications: Universities, Nursery Schools, Crèches.

The Service

The Viroklenz service to schools and colleges is tailored specifically to the needs of the individual institution in question. In each case an appraisal is made of the movement and occupancy patterns of pupils and staff. The service is then directed at the areas of highest risk of spread of infection.

In a typical case, the Viroklenz sanitisation regime would be applied to kitchens, dining areas, assembly halls, staffrooms and toilets.

In each of these areas Viroklenz provides

  • Regular deep sterilisation of the whole room by bio-fogging
  • The on-going sanitisation of the atmosphere using Viroklenz air sanitising machines
  • The daily use where appropriate of Viroklenz dual biocidal cleansers on surfaces and floors

Viroklenz can provide this service in one of two ways - viz

  • (a) Following installation and initial bio-fogging by Viroklenz, our technicians attend at regular intervals (normally monthly) to re-fog the premises, change the active elements in the air sanitising machines and supply further quantities of the Viroklenz biocidal cleansers.
  • (b) Viroklenz installs the air sanitising machine as above and fully trains your janitorial staff in bio-fogging, the changing of machine filter elements and use if the Viroklenz dual biocidal cleansers. The role of Viroklenz thereafter is to deliver replacement fluids and filter elements. In this case, the onus is on your janitorial staff to maintain the programme of sanitisation. Viroklenz technicians remain, of course, always available to assist wherever required.

As a further measure to keep costs down, the biocidal cleansers are provided by Viroklenz in bulk quantity concentrate form. Simple, robust and reliable dispensers are also provided to facilitate the filling of suitable trigger sprays and dispenser bottles in a safe and foolproof manner.

Bio-fogging is a safe and well proven technique. It is effective even in big assembly halls. It reaches all parts of a room even the least accessible. It is effective on both hard and soft surfaces. Bio-fogging is usually carried out in silent hours or when a room has been wholly vacated. Once fogged, a room can be re-entered in 45 minutes.

Commercial Points

  • No capital outlay
  • Equal monthly payments
  • Service agreements are from 6 months


For a free, no obligation quotation contact Viroklenz

Tel: 01257 367 120
