Day Nurseries are led and governed by OFSTED and in addition to the mandatory responsibilities this imposes, most nursery owners and managers are fully committed to exercising their 'duty of care' to each child, parent and staff member.

Children are not selfish when it comes to sharing infections. The nursery environment, of necessity warm and full of soft fabrics, is the ideal setting for cross infection to flourish. This gives rise to a high incidence of absence through illness in both children and staff. The necessity to keep up staff to child ratios means that inevitably greater use must be made of qualified 'bank' staff to stand in. This is a serious financial burden on most nurseries.

Many nurseries already have in place a rigorous cleaning regime for their floors and hard surfaces. However, to make any significant improvement a cleaning regime must exhibit the following characteristics

  • Systematic use of broad spectrum biocidal cleansers with long life effectiveness on all hard surfaces.
  • A technique for effectively sterilising and de-odorising soft fabrics, bean bags, toys etc
  • A method of continuously sanitising the air including dust removal and the killing of airborne pathogens.

In short, such a system is 'over and above' any normal provision and would complement rather than replace existing sanitising regimes.

Associated Applications: Play Centres, Crèches.

The Service

What does the Viroklenz Programme do?

Based on unique and patented technology, the Viroklenz programme operates on two key principles

Totally sterilise the whole premises at regular intervals
Maintain the atmosphere and surfaces at very low levels of infection.

The whole nursery is sterilised at monthly intervals using a high velocity bio-fogging technique which is ideally suited to the nursery environment with its preponderance of soft fabrics. The bio-fogging reaches every surface, nook and cranny and is equally effective in killing pathogens on hard and soft surfaces, fabrics and in the air space itself.

Bio-fogging is a well established technique which is perfectly safe. It is done by Viroklenz technicians in silent hours to avoid any disruption to the normal nursery routine.

Once sterilised, the nursery is maintained at a very high level of cleanliness using the Viroklenz  biocide sanitising cleansers. These are effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens and are used in rotation to prevent any build up of immunity.

As a further measure, in certain selected areas, the air is recirculated through patented Viroklenz air sanitising machines. The machines continuously pass the air through filters which kill harmful viruses and bacteria. They are our final line of defence against the spread of airborne infection thus greatly reducing the risk to children and staff.


  • Initial bio-fogging of the whole premises to kill all viruses and bacteria.
  • Continuous air sanitisation in rooms with new patented technology.
  • On-going supply of Viroklenz biocidal cleansers.
  • Training of nursery cleaning staff in the use of Viroklenz biocides.
  • Service visits at regular intervals to change the Biocidal filters in our air sanitising machines and re-fog the premises.
  • Supply of leaflets, personalised to your nursery and aimed at advising your client parents that all reasonable steps are being taken to avert the outbreak of infection.

The Viroklenz service is the most comprehensive safeguard against the spread of infection

Commercial Points

  • No capital outlay
  • Equal monthly payments
  • Service agreements are from 6 months


For a free, no obligation quotation contact Viroklenz

Tel: 01257 367 120
